24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring
More than 1 in 5 people suffer from white coat hypertension. For these patients the blood pressure recorded in the surgery does not represent their true blood pressure. This can only be determined by doing a 24 hour blood pressure assessment using an electronic monitor which we provide in practice. It is essential that all newly diagnosed patients have this done before commencing on what is lifelong treatment with medications.
The UK National Health Services document on Ambulatory BP Monitoring can be seen here.
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring has also been shown to more accurately determine the cardiac risk which your blood pressure is causing and to help decide whether or not you need drug therapy
You will need to attend the nurse to put on the monitor and then 24 hours later return to see the doctor to take off the monitor, download and analyse the results and determine the appropriate treatment.
The UK National Health Services document on Ambulatory BP Monitoring can be seen here.
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring has also been shown to more accurately determine the cardiac risk which your blood pressure is causing and to help decide whether or not you need drug therapy
You will need to attend the nurse to put on the monitor and then 24 hours later return to see the doctor to take off the monitor, download and analyse the results and determine the appropriate treatment.